Abel Schillinger, LLP practices in technology areas ranging from advanced materials to electrical and emerging green technologies …read more >>
- Abrasives
- Advanced Ceramics
- Chemical Engineering
- Conductive Oxides
- Crystals and Scintillators
- Films and Coatings
- High Permittivity Dielectrics
- Inorganic and Organic Chemistry
- Metallurgy
- Polymer Materials and Processing Technologies
- Radiation Sensitive Materials
- Refractories
- Semiconductor Manufacturing
- Wavelength-Shifting Materials
Electrical/Computer Technologies
- Display Technologies
- Hard Disk Drives
- Networking Technologies
- Packaging
- Power Grid Equipment
- Radiation Detection Systems
- Solid State Devices
- Lasers
- Photovoltaic Systems
- Scintillators
- Semiconductors
- Superconductors
- Signal Processing
- Telecommunications
- Biochemistry
- Biology
- Cosmetics
- Implants
- Medical Imaging Systems
- Medical Tools
- Pharmaceuticals
Mechanical Technologies
- Aviation/Aerospace
- Automotive
- Construction Equipment
- Diagnostic Systems
- Drilling and Oil Field Technologies
- Manufacturing Processes, Tools, and Systems
- Medical Tools and Devices
- Railroad
- Renewable Energy Systems
- Robotics
- Fuel Cells
- Geothermal Energy
- High Energy Density Storage Systems
- Solar Cells and Modules
- Superconductors
- Wind Power Systems
- Data Storage
- Delivery Systems
- Microelectromechanical Systems (MEMS)
- Nanomaterials
- Nanostructures